The Easy ECVET project, led by the CCCA-BTP, which brings together four other European partners (vocational training bodies or schools) in Belgium, Denmark, Spain and Finland. It aims to exchange good practices to strengthen the formal recognition of learning outcomes abroad and their integration into national certification processes relying on the European Credits for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) system. It was designed by the European Union to facilitate the transparency and comparability of qualifications and vocational training between the different countries. Thus, the project will help to better integrate learning outcomes from abroad into the formal validation processes implemented in the country of origin.

The five project partners have been using the ECVET framework for several years, on a more or less regular basis, particularly in connection with the European mobility of apprentices. They wish to extend its scope, making better use of all the opportunities it offers.

This project will be carried out over a period of three years, alternating six transnational technical meetings (two per year) and two learning activities (co-professionalisation actions of one week each):

• Transnational technical meetings will aim to be the « think tank » (analysis of practices, exploration of other contexts and training engineering) of the project and the steering committee will coordinate the production of technical guides and recommendations for the development of the ECVET system in the specific contexts of each partner organisation.

• Learning activities will be organised in two different countries through workshops for the exchange of practices and productions (ECVET design approaches, application and evaluation tools and protocols) to disseminate more widely to all partners and beyond.



Easy ECVET : Learning Activity à Kokemäki

The 5 European partners of the Easy ECVET project met for 3 days of intense thinking in the framework of the 2nd Learning Activity of the project, gathering trainers and stakeholders of European mobility at Sataedu Training Centre of Kokemäki (Finland).

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